

Home Automation Made Easy with LiveSmart Technologies

In the following interview, we asked Owner Gary Russell to share the benefits of incorporating simple automation systems into the home. South County Magazine: Can you describe the benefits to users with a LiveSmart system? Gary: The many benefits include money and energy savings, enhanced security, increased peace of mind

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Welcome LiveSmart Technologies!

A new and exciting company has arrived in Laguna Woods to help community members and South County residents with a “tech made easy” approach. Actually, the company isn’t new given that is has been in business since 2015 – but “new” in the sense that the owner has moved into

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Business Showcase

Reenvisioning Vision with OrCam Technologies

Reading has always been my favorite hobby. I learned early, and fell fast for books of all kinds. I’ll confess, until recently, I didn’t know much about assistive learning devices. But as an already vision-challenged person (I’ve been significantly nearsighted my entire life and a retinal detachment surgery 15 or

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August 2024

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