The Covington has been a vital part of the Aliso Viejo community for 20 years. During these two decades, this independent living community for seniors has contributed to the region with its support and services. And this spirit thrives with its residents who contribute their time and talent through their volunteer work.
Melissa Devaney is the Director of Resident Relations at The Covington. She started in her role a year ago and was immediately struck by the commitment residents have to helping each other and the greater community.

Many who call The Covington home are long-time residents of Orange County, and they want to continue contributing.
Pggy Baker became a resident of The Covington more than five years ago. She had been a resident of Laguna Niguel, attending St. Timothy Catholic Church. Now she helps in the office. “You never have two days that are the same,” she says.
Peggy also participates in By Your Side (, a volunteer program at The Covington supporting individuals and families going through major transitions, palliative care, and the end-of-life. The program requires training certification, which Peggy completed. Now she visits those in need. “Sometimes it’s just about having someone hold your hand,” she says.
Resident-led groups ensure that the amenities and services of The Covington respond to the needs of those who call it home.
Jo Service volunteers at the Mission Viejo Library. She had worked as the State University Dean for Academic Program Planning for the California State University system. When she retired in 2006, she was invited back for a consulting project. She found one of the best places to get her work done was the Mission Viejo Library. She was there so regularly that a staff member approached her and asked her to volunteer.
Jo began by helping people use the library’s computers. As time passed, more people became familiar with computers, so they offered Jo a new project. The Friends of the Library has a small bookstore where it sells donated books to raise funds for library programs. The books were inexpensively priced, but they knew that some of the books were worth considerably more than what they were charging. Jo became one of three people tasked with researching the value of donated books and learning how to sell them on Amazon.
She also helped with the library’s passport acceptance service, becoming a passport photographer and checking in people who were applying for passports through the library.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Jo is happy to support what she sees as a vital public asset. “I have a great deal of respect for the library and an appreciation for what it does for the community,” she says. And with all the projects they offer here, clearly the Mission Viejo Library values her as well.
For the past seven years, Rebecca Tantama has volunteered with the Boys and Girls Club in Rancho Santa Margarita. She used to live in the area before moving to The Covington earlier this year. She continues to volunteer her time twice a week, tutoring young people in Grades 1-5, helping them learn to read.
The work is supported by the Parentis Foundation and the AARP Foundation, which provide the initial training to the volunteers, as well as the materials, including books and paper.
Rebecca finds the work truly rewarding. “If a child cannot read proficiently by the time they complete the third grade, they are four times less likely to graduate from high school and more likely to fall into poverty as an adult,” she says.
She works with kids of various backgrounds. Some are in families that have newly immigrated and don’t speak English at home. Others have parents who work multiple jobs, so don’t have time to help their children with their reading.
The young people are referred by their teacher, then receive testing by a literacy specialist who identifies their level of reading. The after-school tutoring program runs from October through May and kids attend twice a week for 30 minutes. “We provide mentoring and 1 on 1 attention,” Rebecca says. “Children who stay with the program find their reading proficiency increased by one or two grade levels in the year, which is really rewarding to see,” she says.

Rebecca also volunteers at a Senior Center and is a harpist who plays at the Saddleback Medical Center monthly. “It feels good to have a purpose,” she says.
Residents support other programs throughout Orange County. One resident volunteers with the Heritage Committee of the City of Mission Viejo, helping at activities and events that preserve and highlight the city’s history. Another volunteers at the Corpus Christi Church, while another donates time to the Laguna Food Pantry.
“The Covington accommodates the volunteers’ needs where possible,” Melissa Devaney says. “One resident recently gave up her car, so the community schedules a regular pick up and drop off service, so she can continue to volunteer.”
In addition to working in the surrounding neighborhoods, Melissa says that there are volunteer committees within The Covington that are especially active. For example, there is the knitting club, called the Knit Wits, who get together to make blankets and baby caps for donation through local churches.
Many give their time to The Covington’s committees. From the finance committee, to the landscaping committee, library committee, fitness committee and more, resident-led groups ensure that the amenities and services of The Covington respond to the needs of those who call it home.

One of the most important groups is the Welcome Committee. This group greets all new residents, and makes sure they are settling in and feel connected to their neighbors and new home.
Together, The Covington and its residents support the campus and greater region to make it a better place to live for everyone.