For over a quarter of a century, The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of California, Irvine (OLLI at UCI) has been providing world-class education and social opportunities for mature adults throughout Orange County.

OLLI at UCI is a volunteer-based organization of adult learners – retired and semi-retired – who come together to discover, share, and build social connections with one another in a rich learning culture. Endowed by the Bernard Osher Foundation in 2006, OLLI at UCI offers a variety of thought-provoking short courses, taught by UCI professors and other respected experts, that explore subject areas like literature, history, science, and the arts. Members act as course facilitators, assist with administration, and volunteer their time to keep OLLI at UCI a vital and thriving part of the Orange County community.

“OLLI at UCI provides a rich learning environment for active adults who want to keep their minds enlightened and connect with like-minded individuals during retirement,” says Lonnie Horn, President of the OLLI at UCI Board of Directors and longtime OLLI member and volunteer. “Not only can you attend exceptional educational lectures, but you can also expand your social network by volunteering to help execute OLLI’s program and by joining special interest groups that explore topics like food, foreign languages, and film.”
Classes are offered in OLLI’s state-of-the-art classroom at the Irvine Station (a hybrid option is offered for most courses) and cover a wealth of subject areas, from literature and music to wellness, current events, and history. The instruction is first-rate, drawing from UCI faculty as well as retired instructors and local professionals who are experts in their fields. The annual membership fee of $235 (or $160 for one semester) gives unlimited access not only to current classes, but also a library of over 700 recorded lectures.