Is it important to you that you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? Do you think you could ever forget your children’s wedding?? What about the names of your grandchildren?
Is your immediate recall beginning to get fuzzy? Are you forgetting why you got up to go to the kitchen? Are you having problems finding the right word to describe what you are saying?
Our memory is what shapes our being, it decides our convictions and shapes us morally and ethically and thereby defines us as a person.
Our memory is something that we may take for granted until it begins to fail us.
What would you do to protect your memories?
I believe that we all know the basics for good brain health. It is what we already do in order to stay healthy. We all do our best to get enough sleep, engage our brain, exercise and to keep ourselves in generally good health.
We know it’s important to get enough sleep, and to get help for existing sleep problems. There’s increasing evidence that sleep disorders can cause problems with mental functions—including memory. Two of the most common sleep zappers: obstructive sleep apnea and stress.
It’s also vital to stay socially engaged and to challenge our brain by learning new things. It’s even better to pursue interests that keep us connected with others. “It’s probably better for brain health to have a conversation with a friend over lunch than to memorize numbers in reverse, for instance.
To follow, we need to put “heart-pumping” exercise into your daily routine. Studies show that aerobic exercise may activate certain beneficial genes in the brain and benefits accumulate no matter what age we start.
Lastly, it is well known that we should take care of any medical problems, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension; all of which are all known to damage brain health.
But if we’re already doing those, what else can be done?
Watch exposure to heavy metals and mold. Mold neurotoxicity causes memory deficits, difficulty concentrating, problems with language and reasoning, mental fatigue, depression, and anxiety.
One must also watch for inflammation. There are precise inflammatory markers specific to your brain that can be obtained, to find the exact source of inflammation, and thereby giving you the information and the tools, you need to nip memory loss in the bud. For example, one may find that they have a virus that has caused the loss of integrity of the blood brain barrier.
Autoimmunity also plays a large part in nervous system diseases that often go unrecognized. One may have food sensitivities that mimic specific proteins in the brain and then your body sees parts of your brain as enemy.

Autoimmunity occurs when a misguided immune response attacks the body’s own organs and tissues. Autoimmune disorders can target virtually any structure within the central or peripheral nervous system in a highly specific way, targeting a very specific cell population (e.g., myelin, the insulation of nerve cells). The cell type that is targeted in the central nervous system (CNS) structures dictates the symptoms one may have.
We are told that medications like Namenda and Aricept help protect against memory loss. However, those medications are only prescribed once the damage has been done. Additionally, studies now show that they do not protect and in fact, cause more harm than good.
Instead, there is a natural option that prevents, treats, and protects memory loss. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, more popularly known as NAD+ is a potent and vitally important organic coenzyme that is used throughout the body in multiple functions. In regard to brain health, it helps your brain function at an optimal level by repairing brain cells, protecting them from damage, and increasing their activity and energy production.
Studies show that NAD+ depletion is observed not only during normal aging, but also in accelerated aging. Top researchers at Johns Hopkins found that increasing NAD+ can restore learning, memory, and cognitive functions by boosting the cell’s ability to make energy and protecting DNA repair mechanisms. In fact, NAD+ increased new brain-cell formation crucial to learning and memory, while reducing inflammatory changes that accompany (and probably contribute to) Alzheimer’s disease.
They also found that mice treated with NAD+ performed better on a battery of cognitive tests and showed markedly reduced levels of brain cell-destroying pTau proteins (found to be the main cause of Alzheimer’s Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases).
So, think about it…
Please see me for a consultation regarding what can be done for a healthy brain and strong memory.