Doheny Bike

The Fastest Growing E-Bike Company in Dana Point

You might be surprised to learn what the country’s fastest growing industry is and it’s not RV sales, in spite of a year of lockdown. But the demand to get on the road is certainly fueling the drive toward recreational activities in North America, and e-bikes are running away with the market.

Fueled by demand from both Canada and the U.S., e-bikes are looking at an annual growth rate of close to 11% over the next few years, marching right along with a booming housing market and burgeoning infrastructure development. Targeting not only recent retirees, but enthusiasts of all ages looking to stay active, get outside or simply prefer to tool around town on an E-bike – the evolved and infinitely more exciting electric iteration of the traditional two-wheeler.

While E-bike purveyors are seemingly on every corner, few have experienced the explosion in interest and growth locally like Doheny Bike – the fastest growing E-bike company in Dana Point.

This is perhaps due in large measure to the popularity, versatility, utility and affordability of the company’s Fold N’ Go collection – available in a array of colors and profiles. But undoubtedly in equal measure is the mission of its co-owners – Jason Spates and Micah Meiring – to “give back to the community.”

Doheny itself boasts a robust outdoor history. Killer Dana, the aptly named freight-train-thick swell brought in surfers and developers alike. Hoping to keep the community close to the land and sea that brought it prosperity originally seemed logical for Jason, Micah and their team, working with the City of Dana Point recently to hand out 75 complimentary helmets, scooters, and skateboards. “Dana Point is an amazing community, and we want to help more kids enjoy it safely.

Doheny Bike is donating a Doheny EZ Folding bike to Pet Project’s biggest fundraiser of the year on September 19th called Pet Project Foundation: Roaring for Rescues! Proceeds will benefit the animals at the San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter.

“We recognized the opportunity to give back, to contribute to our com- munity that shaped our childhood, and it felt natural to encourage mo- bility and personal freedom when the pandemic had taken so much of it away.” Jason and Micah are a couple of local Dana Point dads, lucky enough to have lived near the world-famous Doheny Beach surf spot their entire lives. “Our freedom was nearly unlimited as kids in the 1970’s and 80’s – we wanted our own kids to be as mobile as we were.”

“It should be fun, but we’re also thinking beyond fun to community, individual expression and the ability to remain mobile.”

The idea of access and freedom have long been associated with the bi- cycle, and Doheny Bike believes in sending its patrons out on adventures to places unknown, where they might not have ventured before. They set out to provide an affordable solution for everyday mobility.

“With the average buyer’s budget in mind, we wanted a functional riding experience that is not trendy, awkward and limited to your hometown,” says Micah. “Creating the agility of the Fold N’ Go anywhere design, we have provided a solution to buyers that want to travel in a smaller car with electric bikes and ultimately extend their outdoor adventures.”

As parents, Jason and Micah stress the importance of safety, and encourage all riders to be over 16, along with the importance of sizing the bike out, wearing a helmet, and meeting minimum requirements to ride the bikes safely on the road.

“It should be fun, but we’re also thinking beyond fun, to community, individual expression, and the ability to remain mobile.” On a single charge, you can ride up to 50 miles. Put a basket on the back and you’re ready for the store or farmer’s market. “I wanted something better than traffic in my car and I just knew that the options I had to help my community needed to be affordable and reliable.”

With a background in commercial truck leasing and loans, and an early pandemic ride on his nephew’s electric scooter, genius was born. “There’s something about being out in the fresh air that made a great start to the day.” The recent cycling boom couldn’t agree more.

Doheny Bike

34163 Pacific Coast Hwy. #100
Dana Point
(949) 427-3305

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